Thursday, December 31, 2009

More Beanworld: Hither and Thither

Publishers Weekly
"Where other fantasy authors are happy to mirror our present or past in their secondary worlds, embellishing their borrowed settings with a patina of imaginary magic and invented legend, Marder's Beanworld is its own highly original realm, with its own natural laws and mythology."

Good Reads
"I get the sense that he didn't come back to writing Beanworld until he was good and ready, and I'll be interested to see where he goes with it now."

The Beat
"BTW: the 3rd volume of Marder’s Beanworld saga, including new material 16 years or so in the making, came out recently. Recommended!

A Nice Cup of Rabies
Peggy knocked it out of the park with this beautiful drawing. Just fabulous.

Spunky Bean
" It’s about exploration – not in the physical sense, as the beans have a small and clearly mapped out world, but rather in the creative sense."

the electronic replicant
"(A)s simple as the life of the beans appears, there are signs that something happened just before the story began, something terrible that upset the process of life in the Beanworld..."

Every Day Is Like Wednesday
2009 Favorite Writer List

Every Day Is Like Wednesday
"(Beanworld) is, as has been observed, weird as hell, but for sheer entertainment value it is very hard to beat.

Reading, Watching, Playing
"Beanworld is deceptively cute and two-dimensional when you first look at it, but the more you read the more you realize how deep and multi-layered it really is."

Forbidden Planet
"This year sitting down and reading all three beautiful hardback volumes of Tales Of The Beanworld is my Christmas treat to myself."

Dave Rants
"The Best Comic Books Dave Read In 2009"

Four Realities
"(B)ook of the year is the all-new BEANWORLD BOOK 3 - REMEMBER HERE WHEN YOU ARE THERE. Runner up is BEANWORLD BOOK 1 - WAHOOLAZUMA, collecting the earliest Beanworld adventures. And in a surprise third place showing is BEANWORLD BOOK 2 - A GIFT COMES, collecting the balance of the original series."

Tomorrow ~ January 1st ~ STATE OF THE BEANWORLD 2010

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