Sunday, March 11, 2012


Oh, yes,
I'll be at
March 16-18
at the Anaheim Convention Center

Artists' Alley

I'll have a notebok full of pages from
Larry Marder's Beanworld Book Four: Something MoRE!
with which to tease Beanworld fan WonderCon attendees most mercilessly.

I'm fortunate enough to be a last minute addition to the panel:
Comics for Kids3:00-4:00
Room 203

Despite the fact that most of us fell in love with the comics medium when we were children,
good comics for kids seem few and far between...or are they?
Join moderator and APE Entertainment editor Aaron Sparrow, artist James Silvani (Darkwing Duck, Richie Rich), artist Amy Mebberson (The Muppet Show, Strawberry Shortcake, Toy Story),
Shane Houghton (Reed Gunther, Casper Scare School), Archaia editor Paul Morrissey,
Beanworld creator Larry Marder and more for a lively discussion on kids comics, their place in the industry, and how to break into the business!
As a bonus, children attending the panel will be eligible to win comic books and sketches t
he artists will draw during the panel!

In the meantime, however, take a look-see at the page above.
It's a tantalizing teaser for everyone, everywhere!
(And it's not even Tuesday!)


  1. Looking forward to seeing a whole notebook full of tantalizing teasers this Saturday!!!

  2. A second Breakout with a Bean? That is a MEAN tease! :)
