Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ramblings of a Third Grader?

This is an unabashed plug for the Kickstarter drive of a great little illustrated book called Ramblings of a Third Grader.

It was written by one of my best friends, Suzy Kuperschmidt--when she was in third grade!

I'll quote Suzy from her Kickstarter pitch:
Explore the world through the eyes of a third grader that didn't have access to an iPhone, XBOX, laptop or some other mode of information-gathering system. This third grader actually had to write legibly with a #2 pencil.
In 1964, I remember riding my bike to the library (without a helmet) and the excitement I felt when I found the perfect book to check out. My quirky little stories in RaMbLiNgS bring that sense of nostalgia to the pages of this book from a third grader's innocence of awe and wonder. I also created My RaMbLiNgS spiral notebook for kids to write their own quirky stories and create art masterpieces.Nothing makes me smile more than seeing a child reading an actual book with dog-eared pages. It takes me back to a simpler time.For a brief moment, sit back, relax and stroll down memory lane with me and see if you can spot the misspelled words and bad grammar! 
Here is the inside scoop: Suzy’s primary school teacher, Mrs. Sewell, encouraged her young students to keep a journal and to write in it as much and as often as possible. The stories our little Suzy wrote are filled with the pure awe, wonder, and written with the innocence of a child. And yet, there are so many hints and clues foreshadowing the person Suzy would become as an adult.

Our little Suzy then

Suzy now

Yes, it's true, as you see when you hit the link, I wrote the introduction to the book--I was delighted to--Suzy and I worked together closely for 8 years during my tenure at McFarlane Toys (actually she was Suzy Thomas then) and she is one of the kindest, zaniest, most trustworthy human beings I've ever known. I'd trust her with with my life.

Ever since her third grade spiral journals in the Beatles notebooks resurfaced, Suzy has had a driving desire to have the books illustrated and published. Thanks to the wonder of Kickstarter she has a the pathway to do it. 

But she needs your help.
She's getting closer to her goal but if you can take a look at her page and toss in a few bucks--you will not be disappointed. 

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