Sunday, February 15, 2009

Beanworld Buzz!

"Wahoolazuma!" is about to arrive into the marketplace.
The advance buzz has been beyond my wildest dreams.

Entertainment Weekly

"Like George Lucas, Stan Lee, and J.J. Abrams, 
cartoonist Larry Marder is the creator of a deeply imagined alternate world that inspires obsessive fandom and yields glossaries, maps, and 
websites. "

Sean Howe

"It’s not the sort of world of imagination you lived in as a child, but it is the sort of world of imagination that Marder must have lived in as a child, and which he reconstructs for you to live in as an adult seeing things as a child again. It’s not exactly a modern work of mythology, but it certainly taps into the same things that mythology does, and works in much the same way mythology does."
J. Caleb Mozzocco

"Beanworld life is a carefully calibrated blend of the quotidian and magical. Like the best imaginary universes, it provides a constant unfolding of anxious and ecstatic mysteries both sacred and profane. "

Richard Gehr

And then there is this one I failed to post after the Holiday Special came out.

" of the most original and brilliant comic-book universes ever created."
Spash Page
The book should start showing up on the shelves this week.
My special thanks to Jeremy Atkins and the Dark Horse PR department for their hard work in getting the Beanworld word out.
And an extra special Hoo-Hoo-HA & a Hoka-Hoka-HEY to Jacquelene Cohen, Dark Horse Publicity Coordinator. Jacq's enthusiasm is infectous and her creative flair added just the right touch at the exact right time.
And now?
My new graphic novel "Remember Here When You Are There" is crooking a finger at me and telling me "Big deal. You did that work a long time ago. Get back to work on MY PAGES--the big ol' deadline clock is ticking!"
Gotta go.
Beanworld summons.

1 comment:

Vernon said...

I just reread the beanworld holiday special, and I was wondering that, if the cuties can associate Beanish's creations with familiar figures, might they also be able to imagine unfamiliar shapes that Beanish might also create?
In short, if Beanish made a little look-see Hoi-Polloi, would the cuties be able to imagine a real Hoi-Polloi without ever having seen one?
Could cuties be trained as chow soldiers before actually encountering a real chowraid?