That usage of the word "loophole" keeps rattling in my head.
That usage of the word "loophole" keeps rattling in my head.
So what was the original definition of loophole--the one that might be used in the time of a tall ship with billowing sails approaching The Island?
A little bit of offense while playing defense.
Looking from the inside out.
Once again, that put me in mind of the historical Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon . A prison designed to allow jailers to observe the inmates without the prisoners being able to tell whether they are being watched, thereby conveying what one architect has called the "sentiment of an invisible omniscience."
Ah, LOST, old friend, welcome back for one grand last ride!
I just noticed-- if you flip the Panopticon illo upsidedown and squint at it...it kinda looks like a cut-away of Professor Garbazno's Fix-It Shop, doesn't it?
Neat to see you are a fellow Lost fan! Here is an excerpt from a review I wrote back on Dec. 14th:
"Explaining Beanworld to someone who hasn't read it before is challenging. I realized the perfect pop culture analogy. Beanworld is like a indian folklore/ecological fantasy comic book equivalent to the tv show Lost. They both are set on a mysterious island governed by its own set of rules and you have no clue what the hell is going on. Little by little, puzzle pieces fall into place, and half the fun is concocting theories and trying to make sense of the big big picture while at the same time being caught up in the trials and tribulations of the individual characters."
my name for the anti-jacob is Esau. i know jacob was the "bad guy" (sort of) in the jacob/esau story, but this name just feels right to me for reasons i can't quite explain...
shawn o'hern
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